Draft program aims to increase occupational safety and health
A national program of action for occupational safety and health (OSH) during 2016-20 is being drafted with the overall aim of improving working conditions, reducing workplace environmental pollution, preventing labor accidents and occupational diseases, and raising public awareness about and sense of observance of the labor protection law.
The program is proposed by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs with several specific objectives.
Accordingly, the legal system on OSH would be step by step improved. In light of this, policies would be adopted to support training in OSH knowledge and skills as well as dissemination of information on the voluntary labor accident insurance scheme, especially for non-contractual employees. Labor accident and occupational disease insurance premium and benefit payment mechanisms would be built toward more flexibility. Meanwhile, documents guiding labor protection regimes and policies and OSH regulations and standards would be fully and timely issued.
By 2020, more than 80 percent of contractual employees and 50 percent of non-contractual employees performing jobs with strict OSH requirements would be trained in OHS. More than 10,000 households, 1,000 craft villages and half of members of cooperatives and farmer associations that operate in heavy, hazardous and dangerous trades would be provided with information on OSH.
In addition, support would be given to better prevent labor accidents and occupational diseases in high-risk sectors and trades.
By 2020, fatal accident frequency rate would be reduced by 25 percent among contractual employees and over 10 percent among non-contractual workers, compared to the 2011-15 period’s figures. More than 80 percent of employees at risk of common occupational diseases would receive medical screening exams and all employees certified as victims of labor accidents or occupational diseases would be provided with healthcare and functional rehabilitation.
Once approved, the program would be implemented in 63 provinces and cities all over the country.
Source: vietnamlawmagazine.vn