Procedures for customs valuation to be further simplified

The General Department of Customs is working out a draft decree to revise Decree 08 issued in 2015, which focuses on simplification of procedures for customs valuation to create more favorable conditions for priority enterprises in the customs sector. According to an official from the General Department of Customs, current regulations still lack the method of […]

Draft circular to facilitate e-transactions in the securities market

The Ministry of Finance is gathering comments on a draft circular guiding e-transactions in the securities market which sets out principles and procedures for carrying out such transactions in a smooth and safe manner. As per the draft, e-transactions in the securities market must adhere to the principles of clarity, equality, truthfulness, safety, effectiveness, and […]

Not allow to extend the time of tax payment more than 1 year

VCN- Some cases have difficulties in business and production leading to difficulties in fulfilling tax obligation with the State, the Taxation will permit to extend the time of tax payment maximum 1 year from the expiry date of tax payment.   According to the General Department of Taxation, the Government’s Decree 83/2013/ND-CP dated July 22, 2017 […]

Vietnam Customs uses equipment and machinery to inspect imported and exported goods

VCN – Mr. Au Anh Tuan, Acting Director Acting Director General of Customs Control and Supervision Department (General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC) said that the GDVC has invested in equipment systems to inspect and supervise imported and exported goods at ports. Thus, the inspection is done not only by manual but also by modern […]

Taxation authorities propose delaying e-invoices till July 2019

The General Department of Taxation GDT is considering asking the Ministry of Finance to postpone the compulsory application of e invoices until July 2019 instead of early next year Nguyen Dai Tri, GDT Deputy General Director, announced this at a press conference on e-tax services, held in Hanoi late last week. Specifically, except firms that […]

New requirements set for declaration of imported chemicals

The Prime Minister issued on October 9 Decree 113/2017/ND-CP to remove 46 conditions on chemical production, storage and trading with a view to implementing more facilitative policies for enterprises engaged in chemical trading and concurrently helping functional agencies manage more strictly chemical production and trading activities.Under the Decree, which will take effect on November 25, […]

Draft sets forth incentive policies for startups

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has recently revealed a draft decree detailing creative startup investment, which is expected to create a legal framework and provide incentive policies for attracting more investment in this field. With 40 articles arranged in seven chapters, the draft is now available for public comment at the draft, […]

Decree on piloting granting e-visas for foreigners entering VN

The government has issued Decree No. 07/2017/ND-CP defining procedures on piloting granting e-visas for foreigners entering Vietnam. According to the Decree, foreigners registering for e-visas will realise these following steps: 1 – Getting access to the website on granting e-visas for registering personal information. 2 – Receiving codes for e-files and paying visa fee It […]

Import tariffs from 2018 to 2022 will continue to further cut down

VCN- Recently, the Ministry of Finance finalized and announced the draft of 10 decrees on Vietnam’s Special Preferential Tariff to implement Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with some countries for broad opinions before submitting the Government to issue. These tariffs have a roadmap to be applied from 2018 to. Multi-tariffs will be 0% Ten types of […]