Draft law affirms citizens’ right of access to information

The Ministry of Justice is working on a draft law on access to information which is expected to help lay the legal ground for the exercise of one of fundamental rights of citizens enshrined in the Constitution. . . Information is defined in the 33-article draft as news, dossiers and documents in the forms of […]

New social insurance law offers more benefits to employees

Compared to the current Law on Social Insurance, the 2014 Law on Social Insurance (the Law) contains several new provisions focusing on such matters as social insurance participants, rights and responsibilities of employees, employers and social insurance agencies, and social insurance regimes and social insurance funds.The Law, which has 125 articles arranged in nine chapters, […]

Time limit for enterprise registration shortened

From November 1, the time limit for grant of an enterprise registration certificate will be shortened to three working days after a business registration office receives a complete and valid dossier, instead of five days as at present. . . This is amongst the new regulations set out in Government Decree No. 78 dated September […]

Conditions for projects to get public investment funds

In a move to help project owners get access to public investment funds, the Government on September 10 issued Decree No. 77/2015/ND-CP, prescribing medium-term and annual public investment plans. . . The new regulation lays down specific conditions for programs and projects to be allocated funds under annual public investment plans.The first condition is that […]

Draft decree specifies resolution of disputes through commercial conciliation

Professional commercial conciliation might soon become a new and effective way for settling disputes, in addition to traditional ones like litigation and arbitration, if a draft decree recently unveiled by the Ministry of Justice is approved.Under the 38-article draft, commercial conciliation may be applied to settle all disputes arising from commercial activities, disputes to which […]

Government issues 15 legal documents in June

VGP – The Government and the PM issued 15 legal documents in this June, including seven Decrees of the Government and eight Decisions of the PM.   Accordingly, Decree No. 54/2015/NĐ-CP on providing incentives for economical and efficient water use activities defines that preferential treatment will be given to economical and effective use of water, reuse of water […]

Construction insurance to be made compulsory

Project owners and contractors would have to purchase insurance for their construction works, according to a draft decree on compulsory construction insurance recently unveiled.According to the draft, which is prepared by the Ministry of Finance, compulsory construction insurance would be required for national important projects, large-scale complicated construction works, works and work items likely affecting […]

Draft decree sets government guarantee limits for projects

Government guarantee for an investment project must not exceed 70 percent of its total investment, according to a draft decree recently unveiled by the Ministry of Finance for public opinion. Under the draft, which is designed to replace Decree No. 15 dated February 16, 2011, guarantee levels would be decided based on project types.Specifically, the […]

Legal capital for real estate business reaffirmed

An enterprise engaged in real estate business must have a legal capital of at least VND 20 billion (instead of current VND 6 billion). Exceptions are organizations, households and individuals that sell, transfer, lease or grant hire-purchase of real estate on an occasional and infrequent basis or on a small scale.      Such is […]

National single window customs mechanism launched

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung launched the implementation of the national single window customs mechanism and the technical connectivity with the ASEAN mechanism on September 8.  Also attending the event were Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh, among others. […]