Gov’t plans to extend health cover to 75%

HA NOI (VNS) — The Vietnamese Government hopes to achieve 75 per cent health insurance coverage this year and 80 per cent by 2020, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said yesterday. Dung was speaking at a session to review the implementation of the Law on Health Insurance and the blueprint for universal health insurance. The […]

New decree cleans up PPP mode confusion

The government has just issued a long-awaited decree on public private partnership investment modes, replacing previous decrees intending to promote private investment in infrastructure to boost economic growth. The new decree (Decree 15/2015/ND-CP) does not include a limitation on state funding in a public private partnership (PPP), which will seek to cool investor anxiety over […]

Vietnam plans to sell operating rights for airports

Vietnam is planning to sell its sole airport on the resort island of Phu Quoc as well as the operating rights for several other airports, including Noi Bai in Hanoi, as the country tries to attract funds into the aviation sector. According to media reports, the Ministry of Transport is considering either putting the VND3-trillion (US$138.85 million) […]

Vietnam companies face fierce regional competition

VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese businesses could face losses in the domestic market as the country opens to the ASEAN member imports later this year in compliance with the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA), according to experts. ATIGA, the bloc’s first comprehensive pact related to the intra-trade of goods, is based on the collection of […]

Investment promotion zeros in on specific targets

Do Nhat Hoang, director of the Ministry of Planning and Investment’s Foreign Investment Agency spoke to VIR about new points in the investment promotion strategy this year to improve the country’s foreign direct investment attraction. What are the main points in attracting foreign direct investment this year? The Ministry of Planning and Investment will continue […]

VietinBank to announce PG Bank merger plan soon

ietinBank Chairman Nguyen Van Thang revealed the bank’s intention to news website BizLive, adding that the merger will be the shortest way for the bank to increase charter capital and assets, and expand its networks. Thang said that the equity and asset scales of major banks in Viet Nam are much smaller than those of their […]

Minister says more efforts needed to enhance business environment

Authorities must make bigger strides this year in improving the country’s business environment, said Minister of Planning and Investment Bui Quang Vinh. The revised investment and enterprise laws passed by the National Assembly last year would stimulate new waves of investment, Vinh said in an interview with Tuoi tre (Youth) Newspaper on the occasion of […]

Government Puts Stop To Exports Of Coal Dust

As per a recent Government directive, Vietnam will stop exporting coal dust in 2015, in order to ensure the supply of coal for thermal power production for the 2018 to 2020 period.   In keeping with the Government instruction, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai has asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), and […]

Government gives guidelines on Public-Private Partnership agreement

The government has issued a decree on investment in the form of public-private partnerships (PPPs), which sets out five conditions for a PPP project. Accordingly, in order to get approval, a PPP project should be relevant to the development master plans of the relevant sector and region and the socio-economic development plans of the area […]

Decree 222/2013/ND-CP of Cash Payments Officially Takes Effect

From March 01, 2014, Decree 222/ND-CP dated December 31, 2013 on cash payments and state management of the cash payments in a number of transactions in Vietnam territory officially takes effect, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) says.  This Decree replaces Decree 161/ND-CP dated December 28, 2006 on cash payments. Accordingly, organizations using state funds […]