On December 09, 2021, the Government issues Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, 2017, on goods labeling.
Accordingly, manufacturers, importers, or exporters shall themselves identify and show the origin of their goods and ensure truthfulness, accuracy, and compliance with the law on the origin of exports, imports, and domestically manufactured goods or treaties to which Vietnam has acceded. In case the origin of goods cannot be identified under the above regulations, the label must show the place where the final stage to finish goods is completed.
The place of completing the final stage to finish goods shall be presented with one of the following phrases or combined phrases showing the stage of finishing goods “assembled in”, “bottled in”, “mixed in”, “finished in”, “packed in” or “labeled in” followed by the name of the country or territory where the final stage to finish goods is completed.
Additionally, labels of goods being health equipment manufactured in the country or imported for circulation in Vietnam must show the name and address of the health equipment owner or the name and address of the owner of the health equipment circulation registration number. In case the health equipment does not have a circulation registration number, the import permit must show the name and address of the health equipment owner and the name and address of the organization or person.
This Decree takes effect on February 15, 2022.