Necessary to expand electronic invoices
It is expected that from 2018 to 2020, the Taxation will expand the electronic invoices for all taxpayers including businesses and individuals. With nearly 100% of businesses now applying online tax declaration, it will be a chance for the Taxation expand electronic invoices. Control of turnover and anti-tax fraud According to the General Department of […]
Urge to collect tax debts
Besides, effectively implementing management solutions and urge to collect of tax debts, the taxation always focuses on the inspection and audit, contributing to reduce the tax debt and increase revenue for the State budget. According to a recent report of the General Department of Taxation, until March 31, 2017, the total tax debts of 63 […]
Tax debts can be paid gradually if they are guaranteed by credit institution
If a business of tax debt is enforced but it cannot afford to pay the debt at once and propose to pay gradually, the tax debt will be paid within a maximum of 12 months from the beginning date of enforcement period for implementation of tax administrative decision with a guarantee of the credit institution. […]
The Minister of Finance directly removes difficulties of enterprises
Speaking at the Prime Minister’s meeting with enterprises on 17th May 2017, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Dinh Tien Dung reported the results in supporting enterprises and directly answered the proposals of enterprises at the meeting. Accordingly, upon the implementation of the Government Resolution 35 / NQ-CP on business support and development until 2020, the […]
Business Briefs May 19, 2017
* Transport & Industrial Investment and Development Company (TCD) will begin trading nearly 32.5 million shares on theHCMCitymarket on May 26 at the starting price of VND16,000 each. The enterprise operates in infrastructure and project development, stone processing, farm produce trading and production and international manpower supply. In 2017, the enterprise targets to gain VND897.5 […]
Electronic invoices must be used from 2018
The target of the Finance is that by 2020, electronic invoices must be used with 90% of businesses or 90% of goods traded by electronic invoices on the basis of the roadmap from 2018. That is the provision of the draft Decree replacing Decree No. 51/2010 / ND-CP of 14th May 2010, and Government’s Decree […]
Goods labeling under stricter control
Goods labels must be displayed directly on goods or their commercial packages in easy-to-spot positions clearly and fully showing compulsory information about the goods.Under Government Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated April 14, on goods labeling, a label’s compulsory information includes name of the goods, name and address of the organization or individual responsible for goods, origin […]
Ensuring citizens’ right of access to information
On 23 March 2017, Minister of Justice Le Thanh Long chaired a meeting on the implementation of the Law on Access to Information and drafting a Government’s decree detailing some articles of this Law. The Law on Access to Information (the Law) was passed in April 2016 with a view to laying legal grounds for […]
Revisions to Competition Law proposed
The Ministry of Industry and Trade is gathering public comments on a draft law on amendments to the 2004 Competition Law.The draft revises the current Competition Law’s provisions on control of anti-competitive practices to make them more enforceable and suit market competition realities and international practices.It says the control of anti-competitive practices would be based […]
New legal documents come into effect as from April 2017
There are a range of legal documents of the Vietnamese Government and ministries coming into effect as from April 2017, as follows: 1. Decree No. 10/2017/ND-CP dated 9 Feruary 2017 of the Government on a financial management mechanism for EVN took effect as from 1 April 2017. According to the Decree, EVN was permitted to […]