Electronic invoices must be used from 2018
The target of the Finance is that by 2020, electronic invoices must be used with 90% of businesses or 90% of goods traded by electronic invoices on the basis of the roadmap from 2018.
That is the provision of the draft Decree replacing Decree No. 51/2010 / ND-CP of 14th May 2010, and Government’s Decree 04/2014 / ND-CP of 17th January 2014 regulating invoices for sales and service provisions which have just been finalized by the Ministry of Finance.
Accordingly, from 1st January 2018, the subjects use electronic invoices / electronic invoices with tax codes for the sales of goods and services as follows: Enterprises and State units use electronic invoices from the time they receive their tax codes periodically and transfer invoice data to the tax offices (enterprises which are established under the Law in industrial parks, economic zones or hi-tech zones; enterprises and banks with charter capital of 15 billion vnd or more); enterprises and organizations which use electronic invoices have tax codes (some newly established companies, enterprises and organizations which purchase invoices from tax offices such as enterprises which violate regulations on management and use of invoices, enterprises at a high risk according to the notice of the tax authorities and other organizations and individuals subject to tax invoices before 1st January 2018 must use electronic invoices with codes of tax authorities as reported by the tax authorities).
From 1st January 2019, the tax authorities will apply electronic invoices for 30% of the remaining enterprises and organizations. From 1st January 2020, the tax authorities will apply electronic invoices for 80% of enterprises and organizations with tax codes. At the same time, the tax authorities will start implementing electronic invoices for business households with annual revenue of 3 billion vnd or more.
Reportedly, the Taxation has stepped up the electronic tax declaration and payment by connecting the tax system with the tax service providers through the Internet (T-VAN). As a result, by the end of March 2017, out of 581,875 businesses operating, there were 576,056 enterprises (accounting for 99%) filing tax declaration electronically and 565,099 enterprises (accounting for 97%) registering electronic tax payment at commercial banks.
Thus, nearly 100% of businesses applying online tax declaration is the basis for the Taxation to speed up the application of electronic invoices. In the coming time, the General Department of Taxation will continue to coordinate with related units to hire information technology services with service providers in order to expand the application of electronic invoices with the authentication code of the tax authorities.
The use of electronic invoices can bring many benefits. Till now, there have been 656 enterprises making electronic invoices with the number of 277.98 million invoices.
Businesses using electronic invoices nomarlly have a large number of invoices per month (over 3 million invoices), have information technology infrastructure in important industries and fields. These are large enterprises (located in the top 500 large enterprises of the country) providing direct goods and services to consumers.
According to the assessment of the tax authorities, all provinces and cities in the country basically have used electronic invoices, but mainly in the two key cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City. They are also large enterprises operating in the field of trade, services, IT infrastructure with less risks.
According to Mr. Nguyen Van Phung, the Director of the Department of Large Enterprises, under the General Department of Taxation: “In the first pilot phase, electronic invoices have received the support of many businesses operating in the fields of aviation, banking, electricity and telecommunications. At present, the tax office has a mechanism to encourage enterprises to use for long-term expansion in the country. To a certain stage of development, the tax authorities will require enterprises to use electronic invoices instead of using paper invoices”.
The common view of many enterprises through dialogues with the tax office has shown that the implementation of electronic invoices not only brings companies tangible value such as cost and time savings but enterprises can also receive other intangible values which can not be converted into money It is the opportunity value when enterprises provide customers with modern, convenient and fast services, contributing to raising the brand value of enterprises.
Source: customsnews.vn