When is the finalization report at enterprises examined?

A reader sent a question to the Customs Newspaper about the submission of the finalization report on goods processed and produced for export and the examination on the finalization of the Customs authority with the enterprise. This issue is specifically guided by Dong Nai Customs Department. The reader asked: “According to Article 60 of Circular […]

Employers’ unemployment insurance payment rate to be cut by half

The Government has just okayed a proposal to halve employers’ payment rate to the unemployment insurance fund, This is a salient point of Government Resolution No. 34 dated April 7.Accordingly, an employer will be required to pay for its employees just 0.5 percent of the latter’s salary to the unemployment insurance fund, instead of 1 […]

Problems in the handling of tax debts

In the process of remission of tax debts, late payments and fines, there are still many enterprises which can not be subject to tax debt relief under Circular 179/2013 / TT-BTC because they are not State-owned enterprises.    Under current regulations, all enforcement measures and tax remission are applied for the amount of tax arrears, […]

Warning about many violations of Customs law

The HCMC Customs Department has issued a warning of many violations in the process of declaration and cargo clearance. According to the Deputy Director General of the General Department of Customs – Hoang Viet Cuong, this warning will help other businesses to avoid mistakes in the process of Customs procedure and cargo clearance. According to […]

Finalization of corporate income tax: Enterprises need to review carefully to avoid errors

Determining corporate income tax is an important step to quickly and easily finalize taxes for 2016. Accordingly, enterprises need to review the paperwork and study the Law to avoid unnecessary errors. According to the provisions of the Law on corporate income tax, the expenses of enterprises which are determined as reasonable expenses to calculate corporate […]

New Law on Access to Information

The Law on Access to Information (the Law) was passed in April this year with a view to laying legal grounds for the exercise of one of fundamental rights of citizens enshrined in the Constitution.The Law, consisting of five chapters with 37 articles, institutionalizes Article 25 of the 2013 Constitution and incorporates a number of […]

Ordinance on Market Management

With effect from this month, the Ordinance on Market Management (the Ordinance) creates a common and transparent legal framework for examination and inspection operations of the market management force.Consisting of eight chapter and 46 articles, the Ordinance prescribes the position, functions, organization and examination and inspection activities of the market management force; the coordination and […]

Decree on automobile manufacture, assembly and import takes shape

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has revealed that it was drafting a decree on automobile manufacture, assembly and import, which was expected to be issued on schedule and take effect on July 1.The title of the decree would conform to Point b, Clause 2, Article 2 of Law No. 03/2016/QH14 Amending and Supplementing Article […]

Businesses burdened with social insurance: lawyer

Rising social insurance debt owed by businesses is a headache for social security authorities and trade unions which largely blame on employers’ disregard of law and their misappropriation of social insurance premiums paid by employees. This article adds another view holding that high social insurance payment rate is also a cause of the problem. Unpaid […]

New policies take effect in February 2017

New regulations on e-visas for foreigners, sanctioning of administrative violations in the field of environmental protection, duty-free goods and business in prize-winning electronic games for foreigners will come into effect since February 2017. Pilot grant of e-visas for foreigners The government has issued Decree No. 07/2017/ND-CP defining procedures on pilot grant of e-visas for foreigners […]