Legal documents issued from January 11 thru 17
From January 11 thru 17, six legal documents were issued, including: Code Subject Promulgating agency/person Date of promulgation Effective date Decree No. 05/2016/ND-CP On policies and regimes toward relatives of...
From January 11 thru 17, six legal documents were issued, including:
Code | Subject | Promulgating agency/person | Date of promulgation | Effective date |
Decree No. 05/2016/ND-CP | On policies and regimes toward relatives of non-commissioned officers and soldiers performing compulsory service in the People’s Public Security force | Government | January 11, 2016 | March 1, 2016 |
Decision No. 74/QD-TTg | Approving the list of projects sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | Prime Minister | January 11, 2016 | January 11, 2016 |
Decision No. 76/QD-TTg | Approving the national action program on sustainable production and consumption through 2020, with a vision toward 2030 | Prime Minister | January 11, 2016 | January 11, 2016 |
Decision No. 87/QD-TTg | On the month of action for occupational safety and health | Prime Minister | January 12, 2016 | January 12, 2016 |
Decision No. 90/QD-TTg | Approving the master plan on the national network of natural resource and environmental monitoring during 2016-2025, with a vision toward 2030 | Prime Minister | January 12, 2016 | January 12, 2016 |
Decision No. 101/QD-TTg | Approving the Plan on implementation of the National Assembly’s Resolution No. 107/2015/QH13 of November 26, 2015, on implementation of institutions on bailiffs | Prime Minister | January 14, 2016 | January 14, 2016 |