New policies come into effect in December
A series of policies on the function, tasks, right and organisation of the government Office, autonomy mechanism of the public units, sanctioning of securities- and securities market-related administrative violations and the ordinance on market management will take effect since December 2016.
Decree No. 141/2016/ND-CP was introduced on October 10, 2016, regulating on autonomy mechanism of the public units which are self-responsible for their own income and expenditure in the economic field.
The Decree stipulates the autonomy mechanism of the public units in terms of economics, agriculture and rural development, natural resources and environment, transport, industry and trade, construction, labour, invalids, social affairs and justice.
Decree No.142/2016/ND-CP was issued on October 14, stipulating the principles, contents, measures, international cooperation and responsibilities in preventing online information conflicts in Vietnam.
Decree No. 145/2016/ND-CP on sanctioning of securities- and securities market-related administrative violations will take effect since December 15, 2016. The fine punishment from VND400-700 million will be applied for falsifying files in offering individual stocks without criminal prosecution.
Decree No. 148/2016/ND-CP detailing a number of articles of the ordinance on market management will come into effect since December 25, 2016, which defines four officials of the market management including senior market surveyor, main market surveyor, market surveyor and secondary market surveyor.
Decree No. 150/2016/ND-CP stipulating the function, task, right and organisation of the government Office will take effect since December 15, 2016.
Accordingly, the government Office is a ministerial-level agency and an assistant body of the government and the PM.
The government Office consults and assists the government, the PM and the deputy PMs in the joint activities from the Central to local levels, ensures the unity, transparency and continuity of the national administrative area, controls the administrative procedures, establishes an e-Government, provides sufficient information and guarantees material, technical and logistic conditions for activities of the government.
Circular No. 152/2016/TT-BTC dated October 17, 2016, management and allocation of subsidies to basic training and under-03-month training courses
This Circular provides guidelines on requirements for grant of training subsidy and amount of subsidies from the State budget including disabled people, poor people from ethnic minorities; members of poor households in extremely disadvantaged communes/villages, people from ethnic minorities, beneficiaries of benefits for meritorious persons, females, and rural workers and fishermen.
Amount of subsidies given to each type of entity as follows: VND6 million/ person/ course (given to the disabled); VND4 million/person/course (for poor ethnics, poor households); VND 3 million/person/course (for persons who contributed to the national revolution); VND2.5 million/person/course (for near poor households); VND2 million/person/course (for women).