Revising Law on Import and Export Duties: Amending the provisions on the tax rate bracket

VCN- To avoid many different interpretations, causing difficulties in the implementation of provisions on some commodity groups in the Export Tariffs according to the List of taxable commodity groups and the export duty bracket for each taxable commodity group, issued with the Law on Import and Export Duties,  the Ministry of Finance has proposed to […]

Food enterprises get a legal boost

With a view to removing unnecessary administrative procedures and bettering the business environment for food producers and traders, the Government recently issued a new decree detailing a number of articles of the Food Safety Law. Decree 15/2018/ND-CP, which came into on February 2 in replacement of Decree 38 of 2012, says food producers and traders […]

Many obstacles in the implementation of Decree 15

VCN- According to the Customs Department of Ho Chi Minh City, although some problems were removed, during the implementation of Customs clearance of imported goods subject to food safety, there are still some problems when applying the regulations in Decree 15/2018 / ND-CP. In case of exemption for inspections of imported food safety for raw […]

Registration fee payment can be implemented at banks

That is a new point being implemented by the Tax sector to facilitate the e-registration fee payment for people’s cars and motorcycles. Implementing the Government’s Resolution 19/NQ-CP on improving the investment environment and enhancing national competitiveness and the Government’s Resolution 36a/ND-CP on e-Government, the Ministry of Finance has collaborated with ministries and sectors, to provide […]

Regulation on the establishment and operation of the Asset Valuation Council

The Government has issued Decree 30/2018 / ND-CP detailing the establishment and operation of Asset Valuation Council; order and procedures for asset valuation in criminal proceedings. The Decree clearly stipulates the establishment of Asset Valuation Council for the cases and the establishment of a regular Asset Valuation Council. On the establishment of Asset Valuation Council […]

The Government issues provisions on goods origin

The Government has issued Decree specifying the Law on Trade on the origin of goods. In which, Decree stipulates that goods are considered to be originating if they are subject to one of following cases: Goods are wholly obtained or produced entirely in a country, country group or territory as prescribed; Goods are not wholly […]

Information about license fee 2018

VCN- In order to help taxpayers to comply with the law on license fee, the Tax authority has introduced the latest provisions at the time for submitting declaration, payment and notices of license fee 2018. The license fee is the direct tax. Taxpayers submit their declaration to the Tax authority directly managing them. The declaration […]

MOLISA guides payment of social insurance premiums for foreign workers

As from January 1, 2018, foreign workers in Vietnam would be required to pay premiums for three among five social insurance regimes, namely sickness, maternity and occupational disease.  Meanwhile, the two remaining regimes, retirement and survivorship, would become compulsory for foreigners working in the country in 2020 or 2022. These are salient points of a […]